Kumpulan Pola Soal Sbmptn Dan Pembahasannya 2016

Kumpulan Contoh Soal SBMPTN dan Pembahasannya 2016 - Salam semangat sahabat Soalterbaru.com di manapun berada. Pada kesempatan ini, Englishiana ingin membagikan beberapa pola soal SBMPTN untuk membantu sahabat Englishiana semua berlatih mempersiapkan diri menghadapi SBMPTN yang sebentar lagi agak dihadapi. Soal-soal SBMPTN yang saya sajikan kali ini, telah dibentuk sedemikian sampai menurut acuan soal SBMPTN 2013, SBMPTN 2014, dan SBMPTN 2015 supaya sebisa mungkin sanggup mewakili jenis soal yang sering keluar pada tiga edisi SBMPTN sebelumnya dan diperlukan sanggup memperlihatkan prediksi soal SBMPTN yang akurat untuk para sahabat SBMPTN sekalian. Karena keterbatasan kami, soal-soal SBMPTN dan pembahasannya akan kami update perhari sehingga sahabat Englishiana semua sanggup berguru secara sedikit demi sedikit secara sistematis dan terencana sehingga pada saatnya datang SBMPTN nanti, sahabat Englishiana semua telah siap pada performa terbaiknya. Agar sanggup pribadi berlatih, silahkan kerjakan soal berikut ini.
Kumpulan Contoh Soal SBMPTN dan Pembahasannya  Kumpulan Contoh Soal SBMPTN dan Pembahasannya 2016

Kumpulan Contoh Soal SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasannya 2016

Text I
Questions 1 to 4 refer to the following passage.

Eating slowly could help you win the battle of the bulge. A study of more than 3000 Japanese adults___[1]___found that those who eat their meals quickly were about twice to be obese as their slow-munching counterpart.

People who are quickly and who ate until they were full were three times more likely to be obese. The research___[2]___that people tend to consume more calories when they eat quickly, also that eating quickly is linked to obesity regardless of how many calories are eaten. Dr. Elizabeth Denney-Wilson, an obesity expert from the university of New South Wales says research suggests people can learn to eat more slowly and___[3]___their internal cues for fullness. She adds that while it is not known what drives us to eat quickly behavior such as eating while distracted and eating fast food in hurry may be to blame.

Setting aside meal times and chatting between bites can help slow the rate of eating and allow your body to send fullness signals___[4]___you’ve over eaten.

1.    The best word or phrase that completes (1) is ….
A. the British Medical Journal was published in
B. published in the British Medical Journal
C. which published it in the British Medical Journal
D. was published in the British Medical Journal
E. the British Medical Journal was published

2.    The best word or phrase that completes (2) is ….
A. whose previous evidence supports
B. that supports previous evidence
C. supports previous evidence
D. that previous evidence supports
E. supporting previous evidence

3.    The best word or phrase that completes (3) is ….
A. be recognizing
B. recognized
C. recognize
D. recognizes
E. recognizing

4.    The best word or phrase that completes (4) is ….
A. after
B. since
C. if only
D. before
E. although

Text II
Questions 5 – 8 are based on the following text.

Recycling is a collection, processing, and reuse of materials that would otherwise be thrown away. Materials ranging from precious metals to broken glass, from old newspapers to plastic spoons, can be recycled. The recycling process reclaims the original material and uses it in new products.

In general, using recycled materials to make new products costs less and requires less energy than using new materials. Recycling can also reduce pollution, either by reducing the demand for high-pollution alternatives or by minimizing the amount of pollution produced during the manufacturing process.

Paper products that can be recycled include cardboard containers, wrapping paper, and office paper. The most commonly recycled paper product is newsprint. In newspaper recycling, old newspapers are collected and searched for contaminants such as plastic bags and aluminum foil. The paper goes to a processing plant where it is mixed with hot water and turned into pulp in a machine that works much like a big kitchen blender. The pulp is screened and filtered to remove smaller contaminants. The pulp then goes to a large vat where the ink separates from the paper fibers and floats to the surface. The ink is skimmed off, dried and reused as ink or burned as boiler fuel. The cleaned pulp is mixed with new wood fibers to be made into paper again.

Experts estimate the average office worker generates about 5 kg of wastepaper per month. Every ton of paper that is recycled saves about 1.4 cu m (about 50 cu ft) of landfill space. One ton of recycled paper saves 17 pulpwood trees (trees used to produce paper).

5.    The following things can be recycled, except_____
A. precious metals.
B. broken glass.
C. old newspapers.
D. plastic spoons.
E. fresh vegetables and fruits.

6.    Which of the following is not the benefit of recycling?
A. It costs much money for the process of recycling.
B. It costs less to make new products.
C. It requires less energy.
D. It can reduce pollution.
E. It reduces the demand for high-pollution alternatives.

7.    What is the third step of recycling paper products?
A. Collect and search for contaminants such as plastic bags and aluminum foil.
B. Mix the paper with hot water in a blender which turns it into pulp.
C. Screen and filter the pulp to remove smaller contaminants.
D. Put the pulp to a large vat to separate the ink from the paper fibers.
E. Mix the pulp with new wood fibers to be made into paper again.

8.  We can make use of the ink after being separated from the paper fibers by doing the followings, except_____
A. Skim it off.
B. Dry it.
C. Reuse as ink.
D. Burn as boiler fuel.
E. Mix it with the pulp.

Text III
Questions 912 are based on the following text.

One of the biggest things a student must figure out upon entering school is what to do with all that time. Free to schedule as they please and free from the obligations of life at home, students find themselves with a wealth of time they may or may not have.

There are things which you might consider working. First of all, if you want to be cool and go out with your classmates and buy some cool stuff, well you need money! By getting a job, you get money. Of course, you have to work for it, but still, it can—and probably will—be useful. There is not only money to consider though. Experience is an important asset for after finishing your school. When you work during your school year and add it to your resume, it will show your future employers that you are able to manage to pursue two activities at the same time, or more if you are involved elsewhere. Another interesting thing to consider is the contacts you might make by working. By contacts, I mean people that can be useful to you later in life. If you have different jobs, you make new references you can later add to your CV along with the experience. Also, if you are lucky enough to get a job in your area of studies, it may later become a permanent job.

The main disadvantage on your life is that you will have less time for schoolwork—and social life of course. This also means you get less free time to just hang out or party or do other stuff than work and study. This is an important part of your life if you do not want to go all crazy! It is also important if you want to be cool. Having a job can also add another source of stress to your life. Depending on the type of job you are looking for, you may get a boss that always wants more hours and presses you to be more available. One of the things you can do is to set yourself a maximum number of hours you want to work per week and make this clear with your employer at the beginning of the year.

My biggest recommendation is not to rush into anything. It’s perfectly acceptable to spend the first few weeks of school adjusting and having fun, and then slide a job into the mix when you’ve grown comfortable with everything else. Finally, never allow an outside job to get in the way of your health and school years in general. While work may keep you motivated and get you needed money, it’s not worth losing your education or well being over. Obtain what you need, but if you feel yourself slipping take some time off, or find a better place to work. You’ll have plenty of time to work post school.

9.    Which of the followings is not the advantage of taking part-time jobs?
A. You will get money which you can use to buy some cool stuff.
B. You will have less time for schoolwork.
C. You will gain working experience.
D. You will expand your contacts and networking.
E. You will get references which you can add to your CV later on.

10.  The followings are the disadvantages of taking part-time jobs, except_____
A. You will have less time for your social life.
B. You will have less free time to hang out with your friends.
C. You will get another source of stress to your life.
D. You can prove that you can manage to pursue two activities at the same time.
E. You may get a boss that always presses you.

11.  What does the word ‘they’ in paragraph 1 line 2 refer to?
A. Students.
B. Schools.
C. The readers.
D. The reader and the writer.
E. Cool stuff.

12.  What is the word ‘disadvantage’ closest in meaning to?
A. Benefit.         
B. Profit. 
C. Drawback.
D. Advantage.
E. Reward.

Text IV
Questions 13 – 15 are based on the following text.

Indonesians are awesomely bilingual; indeed many people have a good command of three of four languages. In infancy most people learn at least one of the country’s many local languages and later learn Indonesian at school or in the streets of cities or from television and radio. It is not clear how many people learn Indonesian in infancy as their very first language, but at the dawn of the 21stcentury it cannot be less than 20% of the country’s population, and this percentage is steadily rising. Indonesian tends to be most used in the modern environment of major urban areas. The local languages tend to dominate in rural areas and small towns, and are most used in homes, fields and markets.

Indonesian is the medium of instruction in educational institutions at all levels throughout the country. In the early years of the Republic, local languages continued to be used in some places as the medium of instruction in the first years of primary school but this practice has now almost entirely disappeared. In schools and universities most textbooks are in Indonesian, but at the tertiary level, especially in highly specialized courses and at the advanced level of study, textbooks in English are also widely used.

Although there are several newspapers in English and Chinese, their circulation is relatively small and Indonesian is by far the dominant language in the country’s print media. Indonesia’s domestic Palapa satellite system brings television to almost every corner of the country. With the exception of some newscasts in English and a small number of cultural programs in regional languages, domestic programs are entirely in Indonesian, and almost all programs of foreign origin are dubbed into Indonesian or have Indonesian-language subtitles. Similarly Indonesian dominates in the very diverse and vibrant domain of radio broadcasting, although there are a small number of specialist programs in English and in some local languages.

13.  Where do most Indonesian children learn local languages and Indonesian?
A. At school or from the mass media.
B. From the other countries.
C. From their parents.
D. At the laboratory.
E. At the library.

14.  What language is used at tertiary level?
A. Indonesian.
B. English.
C. Local languages.
D. Local languages and Indonesian.
E. Indonesia and English.

15.  What is the synonym of the word ‘dominant’ in the first sentence of the last paragraph?
A. Main. 
B. Important.     
C. Significant.
E. Awesome.

Pembahasan Soal SPMB TKPA Paket 1 (Bahasa Inggris)

1. Jawaban: E
Untuk membentuk kalimat soal yang padu, kalimat soal perlu dilengkapi dengan: published in the British Medical Journal (yang dipublikasikan di British Medical Journal). Sedangkan opsi lain tidak padu bila ditambahkan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut. Past Participle ada di balik pertanyaan ini.

2. Jawaban: B
Untuk membentuk kalimat soal yang padu, kalimat “The research___[2]___that people tend to consume more calories when they eat quickly.” (Penelitian _________ bahwa orang yang cenderung mengkonsumsi lebih banyak kalori ketika makan dengan cepat) perlu dilengkapi dengan: “supports previous evidence” (mendukung bukti sebelumnya). Sedangkan opsi lain tidak padu bila ditambahkan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut.

3. Jawaban: C
Untuk membentuk kalimat soal yang padu, kalimat “people can learn to eat more slowly and___[3]___their internal……” harus dilengkapi dengan kata kerja yang parallel dengan kata kerja “learn” karna diantara ke duanya terdapat kata penghubung “and” yang mengharuskan ke dua kata tersebut berkedudukan sama satu sama lain. Untuk itu, kata kerja “recognize” ialah kata yang paling kawasan untuk melengkapi kalimat rumpang tersebut.

4. Jawaban: B
Untuk membentuk kalimat soal yang padu, kalimat “allow your body to send fullness signals___[4]___you’ve over eaten” (mendorong tubuhmu untuk mengirimkan signal kenyang ___________ sebelum kau makan terlalu banyak) perlu dilengkapi dengan:  before (sebelum). Sedangkan opsi lain tidak padu bila ditambahkan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut.

5. Jawaban: E
“Materi¬als ranging from precious metals to broken glass, from old newspapers to plastic spoons, can be recycled.” Dari kalimat ini sanggup kita ketahui bahwa “fresh fruits” tidak termasuk ke dalam materi – materi yang sanggup didaur ulang.

6. Jawaban: A
In general, using recycled materials to make new products costs less and requires less energy than using new materials. Dari kalimat tersebut kita tahu bahwa salah satu manfaat dari recycled materials ialah to make new products costs less (membuat produk gres dengan harga murah).

7. Jawaban: D
The pulp then goes to a large vat where the ink separates from the paper fibers and floats to the surface. Maka balasan yang paling sempurna yang menyatakan tahapan ke tika dari pembuatan kertas daur ulang ialah Put the pulp to a large vat to separate the ink from the paper fibers

8. Jawaban: E
The ink is skimmed off, dried and reused as ink or burned as boiler fuel. The cleaned pulp is mixed with new wood fibers to be made into paper again. Dari kalimat tersebut sanggup disimpulkan bahwa hal yang tidak sanggup dilakukan terhadap tinta yang telahg dipisahkan dri serat kertas ialah Mix it with the pulp (diaduk lagi dengan bubur kertas).

9. Jawaban: B
The main disadvantage on your life is that you will have less time for schoolwork, dari kalimat tersebut sanggup diketahui bahwa have less time for schoolwork (memiliki sedikit waktu untuk pekerjaan yang bekerjasama dengan sekolah) ialah disadvantage (kerugian) dari mengambil pekerjaan paruh waktu.

10. Jawaban: D
“When you work during your school year and add it to your resume, it will show your future employers that you are able to manage to pursue two activities at the same time” dari kalimat ini kita sanggup ketahui bahwa “You can prove that you can manage to pursue two activities at the same time” ialah manfaat dari bekerja paruh waktu.

11. Jawaban: A
“One of the biggest things a student must figure out upon entering school is what to do with all that time. Free to schedule as they please and free from the obligations of life at home, students find themselves with a wealth of time they may or may not have.” Dengan membaca kalimat setelah atau sebelum kalimat yang berisi kata bercetak tebal, maka balasan yang paling sempurna dari soal tersebut ialah “students.”

12. Jawaban: C
Berdasarkan konteks kalimatnya, “disadvantage” dalam kalimat ini berarti kerugian, yang mempunyai arti yang sangat akrab dengan “Drawback” yang berarti kekurangan.

13. Jawaban: C
“Indonesian tends to be most used in the modern environment of major urban areas. The local languages tend to dominate in rural areas and small towns, and are most used in homes, fields and markets.” Dari kalimat tersebut, sanggup kita simpulkan bahwa bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa lokal di Indonesia banyak dipelajari di rumah (are most used in homes) sehingga From their parents ialah balasan yang paling tepat. Tips menjawab (Baca keyword dari pertanyaan kemudian temukan keyword dalam text.)

14. Jawaban: E
“In schools and universities most textbooks are in Indonesian, but at the tertiary level, especially in highly specialized courses and at the advanced level of study, textbooks in English are also widely used” dari klarifikasi pada kalimat tersebut kita sanggup ketahui pada level tertiary atau penggunaan pada level tersier bahasa Inggris juga (also) dipakai pada buku teks sekolah yang dipakai khusunya pada pendidikan pada level yang tinggi. Tips menjawab (Baca keyword dari pertanyaan kemudian temukan keyword dalam text.)

15. Jawaban: A

Although there are several newspapers in English and Chinese, their circulation is relatively small and Indonesian is by far the dominant language in the country’s print media. Pada kelimat bercetak miring tersebut, kata “dominant” menurut konteks berarti utama, yang mempunyai arti yang sangat akrab dengan kata “main”.

Nah, sekali lagi saya ingatkan contoh-contoh soal SBMPTN ini akan selalu kami update setiap hari beserta pembahasannya. Namun, pembahasan setiap soal SBMPTN yang telah kami bagikan akan saya update beberapa jam setelahnya supaya sahabat Englishiana semua sanggup berlatih untuk menjawabnya terlebih dahulu. Selamat berlatih, lakukan yang terbaik, dan tetap bermimpi sebab sebetulnya mimpi ialah kenyataan bagi orang-orang yang terbangun. Untuk mempelajari materi bahasa Inggris yang lainnya silahkan klik di siniBagi sahabat yang ingin mendapat versi lengkap dari kumpulan soal ini (paket TKPA 1), agar memudahkan proses pengiriman via email, silahkan tuliskan alamat email di kolom komentar pada artikel ini. Selamat belajar, semoga bermanfaat. Salam semangat dari kami Soalterbaru.com


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