Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense Positif, Negatif, Dan Introgatif Terlengkap

Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense Positif, Negatif, dan Introgatif Terlengkap - Membahas wacana simple past tense memang kurang pas rasanya kalau tidak dilengkapi pola kalimat-kalimatnya mulai dari positif, negatif atau introgatif. Oleh karenannya, untuk melengkapi penjelasan pengertian dan fungsi simple past tense yang telah kita bahasa sebelumnya, perhatikan contoh-contoh kalimat simple past tense dalam bentuk positive, negative, dan interrogative berikut ini! 

Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense Positif Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense Positif, Negatif, dan Introgatif Terlengkap
Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense 
Positif, Negatif, Dan Introgatif Terlengkap


Kebanyakan kata kerja dirubah menjadi kata kerja ke 2 (VERB 2) dengan menambahkan akhiran –ed (selanjutnya disebut REGULAR VERB) menyerupai kata studied di bawah ini.

studied in the class together yesterday.
did not study at home together yesterday.
Did I study in the class yesterday?
You studied in the class together yesterday.
You did not study at home together yesterday.
Did you study the class yesterday
We studied in the class together yesterday.
We did not study at home together yesterday.
Did we study the class yesterday?
They studied in the class together yesterday.
They did not study at home together yesterday.
Did they study the class yesterday?
He studied in the class together yesterday.
He did not study at home together yesterday.
Did he study the class yesterday?
She studied in the class together yesterday.
She did not study at home together yesterday.
Did she study the class yesterday?


Ada banyak kata kerja yang kata kerja ke dua (VERB 2) nya tidak dengan menabahkan akhiran –ed. Kata kerja – kata kerja ini mempunyai pola perubahannya masing – masing semisal (sleep – slept – slept). Selanjutnya kata kerja menyerupai ini disebut sebagai kata kerja kelompok IRREGULAR. Untuk pembahasan lengkap dan daftar IRREGULAR VERB dapat diakses di sini Irregular Verb. Sebagai pola aku sajikan tabel di bawah ini.

slept all day.
did not sleep just for two hours.
Did I sleep all day?
You slept all day.
You did not sleep just for two hours.
Did you sleep all day?
We slept all day.
We did not sleep just for two hours.
Did we sleep all day?
They slept all day.
They did not sleep just for two hours.
Did they sleep all day?
He slept all day.
He did not sleep just for two hours.
Did he sleep all day?
She slept all day.
She did not sleep just for two hours.
Did she sleep all day?
It slept all day.
It did not sleep just for two hours.
Did it sleep all day?
Catatan yang perlu diingat yakni kita hanya mema VERB 2 pada kalimat Positif sedangkan pada kalimat Negatif dan Introgatif kita tetap menggunakan VERB 1 sehabis Auxiliaries.

3.. To Be (WAS / WERE)

To be (WAS / WERE) digunakan pada jenis kalimat NOMINAL (Kalimat yang tidak mempunyai kata kerja). Perhatikan pola – pola berikut.
was so sick yesterday.
was not so sick yesterday.
Was I so sick yesterday?
You were so sick yesterday.
You were not so sick yesterday.
Were you so sick yesterday?
We were so sick yesterday.
We were not so sick yesterday.
Were we so sick yesterday?
They were so sick yesterday.
They were not so sick yesterday.
Were they so sick yesterday?
He was so sick yesterday.
He was not so sick yesterday.
Was he so sick yesterday?
She was so sick yesterday.
She was not so sick yesterday.
Was she so sick yesterday?
It was so sick yesterday.
It was not so sick yesterday.
Was it so sick yesterday?

Nah, that's all for this page tentang Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense Positif, Negatif, Dan Introgatif Terlengkap. Jumpa lagi pada pembahasan yang lain ya, Salam Englishiana, English Yourself! Untuk melihat pembahasan tenses yang lain, silahkan klik di sini.

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